2023 Publications
Articles (Refereed)
- Ikeda, Y., Kang, H., Kim, Y.-K., Oh, H.-S., Motokawa, M. 2023. Nasal bone variability in two Japanese horseshoe bats revealed by 3-dimensional geometric morphometrics. Acta Chiropterologica. 25(2): 339–349 DOI: 10.3161/15081109ACC2023.25.2.012
- Jonishi, T., Nakano, T. 2023. Two new species of Scolopocryptops centipedes from southern Japan (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha: Scolopocryptopidae). European Journal of Taxonomy. 908: 155–182 DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2023.908.2345
- Jonishi, T., Kunihiro, Y., Tran, D.V., Nishikawa, K. 2023. Hynobius setouchi (Setouchi Salamander). Predation. Herpetological Review. 54(3): 420.
- Kambayashi, C., Nakano, T. 2023. The first record of a potentially introduced leech, Helobdella aff. robusta Shankland, Bissen & Weisblat, 1992 (Hirudinea, Glossiphoniidae), in Japan. Check List. 19(4): 473–477 DOI: 10.15560/19.4.473
- Kambayashi, C., Nakano, T. 2023. Lumping three nominal species into one: taxonomic revision of amphibian parasitic leeches of Torix in Far East Asia (Hirudinea: Glossiphoniidae). Invertebrate Systematics. 37(12): 819–833 DOI: 10.1071/IS23042
- Kato, T., Nakano, T. 2023. Redescription of the subterranean millipede Antrokoreana gujoensis (Diplopoda: Julida: Nemasomatidae) from central Honshu, Japan. Species Diversity. 28(1): 133–140 DOI: 10.12782/specdiv.28.133
- Kato, T., Takano, M., Nakano, T., Shimano, S. 2023. Taxonomic assessment of a threatened large millipede endemic to the southern Ryukyu Islands, Japan: a new species of Spirobolus (Diplopoda: Spirobolida: Spirobolidae) from the Yaeyama Islands. Species Diversity. 28(1): 23–30 DOI: 10.12782/specdiv.28.23 [Correction, Species Diversity. 28(1): 68]
- Makino, T., Nakano, T., Okamoto, T., Hikida, T. 2023. Taxonomic revision and re-description of Ateuchosaurus pellopleurus (Hallowell, 1861) (Reptilia, Squamata, Scincidae) with resurrection of A. okinavensis (Thompson, 1912). Zoosystematics and Evolution. 99(1): 77–91 DOI: 10.3897/zse.99.95923
- Okabe, S., Shinohara, A., Motokawa, M. 2023. Geographic variation and biogeography of the greater Japanese shrew mole Urotrichus talpoides (Eulipotyphla: Talpidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger. 303: 38–46 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2023.01.007
- Sawada, N., Fuke, Y. 2023. Diversification in ancient Lake Biwa: integrative taxonomy reveals overlooked species diversity of the Japanese freshwater snail genus Semisulcospira (Mollusca: Semisulcospiridae). Contributions to Zoology. 92(1): 1–37 DOI: 10.1163/18759866-bja10035
- Yato, T.O., Motokawa, M. 2023. Penile morphology of the house mouse (Mus musculus) and harvest mouse (Micromys minutus): focus on the position and function of stalk and lateral bacular mounds. Zoomorphology. 142(3): 393–401 DOI: 10.1007/s00435-023-00608-5
- Ben Ahmed, R., Nakano, T., Piątek, J., Krzyzczyk, R., Świątek, P. 2023. Spermatogenesis and spermatozoon ultrastructure in the jawed bloodfeeding land leech Haemadipsa japonica (Hirudinida: Hirudiniformes) from Japan. Folia Biologica (Kraków). 71(4): 207–220 DOI: 10.3409/fb_71-4.20
- Biswas, J.K., Motokawa, M. 2023. Morphometric study of sex differences and static variation in the skull of Indochinese ground squirrel, Menetes berdmorei (Rodentia: Sciuridae). Zoologischer Anzeiger. 307: 1–9 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2023.08.001
- Bui, H.T., Okabe, S., Le, L.T.H., Nguyen, N.T., Motokawa, M. 2023. A new shrew mole species of the genus Uropsilus (Eulipotyphla: Talpidae) from northwestern Vietnam. Zootaxa. 5339(1): 59–78 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5339.1.3
- Bui, H.T., Motokawa, M., Biswas, J.K., Abramov, A.V., Ly, T.N., Vu, D.T., Nguyen, S.T. 2023. Morphological analysis of two Asiatic water shrews (Eulipotyphla, Chimarrogale) from Vietnam. Russian Journal of Theriology. 22(2): 85–96 DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.22.2.01
- Jimi, N., Shinji, J., Hookabe, N., Okanishi, M., Woo, S.P., Nakano, T. 2023. A new species of Branchellion (Hirudinea: Piscicolidae) parasitizing the gills of short-tail stingrays (Batoidea: Dasyatidae) from the West Pacific. Zoological Science. 40(4): 308–313 DOI: 10.2108/zs220057
- Shintani, A., Umemura, S., Nakano, T., Tomikawa, K. 2023. A new species of the genus Pseudocrangonyx (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Pseudocrangonyctidae) from subterranean waters of Japan. Zootaxa. 5301(3): 383–396 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5301.3.4
- Takata, K., Shen, Y., Nishikawa, K., Motokawa, M. 2023. First record of the marine file snake Acrochordus granulatus (Squamata: Acrochordidae) from Japan based on the specimen of the Third Higher School. Species Diversity. 28(1): 1–4 DOI: 10.12782/specdiv.28.1 [Correction, Species Diversity. 28(1): 60; 28(1): 67]
Articles (Not Refereed)
- 上西太朗 2023. 2022年度特別展:蝶に会える日 村田泰隆コレクション展 Vol. 1 アゲハチョウの多様性. 京都大学総合博物館ニュースレター. 57: 3
- 上西太朗 2023. 特別展 蝶に会える日 —村田泰隆コレクション展— Vol. 2 東南アジアが育んだ多様性. 京都大学総合博物館ニュースレター. 59: 2
- Jonishi, T., Sawada, N., Nakano, T. 2023. Predation by a geophilomorph centipede Strigamia bicolor (Chilopoda: Linotaeniidae) on a land snail Trochochlamys crenulata (Gastropoda: Euconulidae). Edaphologia. (113): 35–36 DOI: 10.20695/edaphologia.112.0_35
- Koizumi, Y., Matsui, S. 2023. Specimen list of the Reptile Collection of the Osaka Museum of Natural History. Special Publications from the Osaka Museum of Natural History. 54: 1–46 DOI: 10.20643/00001675
- Motokawa, M., Matsunuma, M., Okabe, S., Ito, T., Nishikawa, K. 2023. Zoological collection of Biological Laboratory, Yoshida College and The Third Higher School. Part 1. Vertebrates. Collections in the Kyoto University Museum. (10): 1–123
- 松沼瑞樹・神林千晶 2023. 京都大学総合博物館—国立台湾大学博物館 動物学博物館シンポジウム・ワークショップ. 京都大学総合博物館ニュースレター. 59: 9
Book Chapters
- 本川雅治 2023. 日本の哺乳類の分類学と生物地理学. In: 日本哺乳類学会 (編) 日本の哺乳類学 百年のあゆみ. 文永堂出版,東京. pp. 142–160
- 本川雅治 2023. コラム 今泉吉典. In: 日本哺乳類学会 (編) 日本の哺乳類学 百年のあゆみ. 文永堂出版,東京. pp. 160–161
- 本川雅治 2023. コラム 青木文一郎. In: 日本哺乳類学会 (編) 日本の哺乳類学 百年のあゆみ. 文永堂出版,東京. p. 161